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  • Writer's pictureStephen Clively

Same subject five different media

It has been too hot to work in the studio this week, so I am posting some photos from last week's Summer Art Experience.

This first set is from Days 3 to 5 of the SAE. All are from the same photo in Pauline's collection. First we have a preliminary sketch in pencil and then a drawing in ink (with some Chinese white watercolour retouching). Not so happy with this one - the model looks grumpy (maybe that was my mood - up until later that day I always hated doing pen and ink). This pen and ink was drawn on Day 3 is on watercolour paper, 28 cm by 38 cm.

Day 4 and a very quick charcoal sketch to help move on to the main conte drawing of the morning. I like the sense of urgency in this quick sketch while the subject itself is so calming. On crappy cartridge paper, 28.5 cm by 41.5 cm.

Also from Day 4, we have a conte crayon drawing. This has a wonderfully peaceful character. Here we have a preliminary pencil drawing followed by the final product. On tinted paper, 32.5 cm by 50 cm.

Finally an acrylic from Day 5. This is one of four acrylic paintings I did on Day 5 - I will put these up in another blog post. Acrylic on oil sketch paper, 31 cm by 47 cm.

Let me know what you think at my contact address.

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