Recycling old Facebook posts on a theme - part 1 of 2
Here's my proposal for a new on-line trading platform called Fingr.
Many weeks ago I stumbled on an artist's wooden hand manikin at the Discount Hut in the Jamison Centre. This'll be useful I thought - but it's a left hand.
Me to shop assistant: Do you have any right hands?
Shop assistant: No, they only make left hands.
Me: Ok. I'll take it.
So, I'm down in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago and I'm in Deans Art - they have right hands.
Me to shop assistant: by the way, do you sell left hands?
Shop assistant: No, they only make right hands.
Surely there is a market opportunity for a new Peer to Peer platform that will match artists' demands for ambidexterity?
Officeworks at Belconnen appears to stock right hands (see first picture).
My studio twofer also pictured.