Week seven of the ASOC Portrait & Life Drawing workgroup. Today Zoe was our model. Zoe's closely shaved head presented some challenges, as usually I hide tricky things like ears behind the model's hair. We began with our usual 5 minute short sketches - here are some of these, all are charcoal and chalk on butchers paper (51.5 cm by 75 cm).
Two sketches from the same 40 minute session, both on cartridge paper (42 cm by 59 cm about 20 minutes each). Charcoal, pencil, water colour pencil, conte crayon and chalk.
Another sketch of Zoe, again from one of the forty minute sessions. I'm not posting the other picture as I made Zoe infeasibly long (adding several vertebrae I think). This one charcoal, pencil, chalk and conte crayon. In the background, I love how the charcoal interacts with the dark green and light blue conte crayon layers underneath it.