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  • Writer's pictureStephen Clively

By George, he's got it

George from the Queanbeyan Art Society was our portrait model at this week's ASOC Portrait and Life Workgroup.

I am really happy with my efforts at pushing out the colour on these paintings (all gouache on oil sketch paper 43 cm by 61 cm).

Here is an insight into my process - Three photos of the same painting of George in different states during the 40 minutes for this pose.

They are: a quick charcoal sketch; then, after rubbing off most of the charcoal, an outline in Prussian Blue gouache of my intended shape of the painting; and then finally the finished work in gouache.

George seated, three states of the same painting, gouache on oil sketch paper by Stephen Clively, 43 cm by 61 cm, February 2020
"George, seated". Three states of the same painting, gouache on oil sketch paper by Stephen Clively, 43 cm by 61 cm, February 2020

This one has a bit of character - it's one the sketches from the five minute pose. Charcoal and white soft pastel on newsprint (51 cm by 74 cm).

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